6. Corru Mannu: fishing and nature

In 1985 and 1998, the Cooperativa Pescatori Arborea was granted the State concession of the Corru Mannu fishing domain (issued by the Fishery Office - Department for Environmental Protection - Autonomous Region of Sardinia), which has now been renewed.
The area – which borders Corru S’Ittiri – was included in the list of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar Convention) in the 1970s. It was declared a site of EU interest and an area of special protection, and included in the Natura 2000 network dedicated to biodiversity conservation.
There are two wetlands: Corru S’Ittiri and the Marceddì and San Giovanni lagoons.
The plant species depend on water level variations and have different floristic associations.
The site – which has a semi-arid climate – features a variety of typical plant species.
Traditional fishing techniques using fixed nets and creels are used in the lagoon. In autumn and winter fish are also caught using a fishing weir, a barrier made of concrete and PVC that traps lagoon fish.
Nieddittas is now responsible for its preservation and represents a best practice for the quality and effectiveness of this protective action.

Discover the Corru Mannu trail
- RAMSAR site
- Gilthead sea bream farm
- Plants
- Birdlife
- Mussel shell island
- The MEDSEA Blue Eco Lab bench
- Corru Mannu: fishing and nature
- Nieddittas: the history
- Nieddittas mussels