Privacy web

The purpose of this notice
This section describes the purposes and methods used by Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA), owner of, to process your personal data. The information contained herein is in accordance with the requirements of Art.13 of Legislative Decree n.196 of 30th June 2003 (hereafter referred to as ‘Privacy Code’ or ‘Data Protection Code’), thereby also covering access to via, which corresponds to the Homepage of the website NIEDDITTAS of Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA). This informative note applies only to the website of Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA) and not to other websites accessed via links. It is based on EU Recommendation 2/2001 adopted on 17 May 2001 by the Working Party established by Article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC and which is concerned with defining certain minimum requirements for collecting personal data on-line, with particular reference to the method, timing and nature of information that Controllers operating websites are obliged to share with web-users (Data Subjects) accessing web pages, notwithstanding the purpose of that access.
Data Controller
Personal data may be collected when you access this site. The Data Controller is Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA), Loc. Corru Mannu – 09092 Arborea (OR). The internal Data Administrator identified in accordance with Art.29 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 is the Privacy Officer currently in post at Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA).
Storage of data processed
All data will be stored at Arborea Fishermen Cooperative Headquarters, Loc. Corru Mannu – 09092 Arborea (OR) and it will be processed only by CPA employees specifically assigned to this purpose. Personal data deriving from the use of this web service will not be disseminated and it will only be shared with third parties when necessary. Personal data provided by web-users will be used for the sole purpose of providing the service or the action requested.
Types of data processed
Navigation data.
Computer systems and software procedures for running this web site acquire during their normal operation some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet and which is based on the TCP/IP protocol. This information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects but, by its very nature and through the processing and association with data held by third parties, it could permit the identification of the users concerned. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by the user connecting to the web site, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method employed to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response to the request, the numeric code indicating the response state given by the server (successful, error etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment. This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information about the site and to ensure that CPA’s website is operating properly. We advise that the above mentioned data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of computer crimes against CPA’s website or other sites associated or linked to it. This eventuality aside, data on web contacts is not held for any longer than a few days.
Data voluntarily provided by the user
Requesting electronic mail to be sent to addresses indicated in the relevant section of CPA’s website will result in the subsequent recording of some of the inquirer’s personal data, e-mail address included, so that we can respond to the request.
We do not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about web-users nor do we use persistent cookies which may store personal information. We use session cookies (which are temporarily stored in the user’s computer memory and not retained after the web browser is closed) strictly to transmit Session ID values (random numbers generated by CPA’s server) that are necessary to ensure secure browsing and site functionality. Any session cookies used by CPA’s website avoid the application of computer techniques that may potentially prejudice users’ private browsing and they do not store data that may personally identify them.
Optional provision of personal data
Aside from navigation data, the web-user shall be free to decide whether to provide personal data when requested on enquiry forms in the sections of the website specifically designated for services on request. However, failure to provide the required data may result in our inability to provide the inquired service.
Processing methods and security measures
Automated methods and non will be used to process personal data which will be stored for a period not exceeding the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. Security measures are employed to prevent loss of data, its illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. Specifically, in the sections of the website designated for particular services for which personal data is requested, the information is encrypted by Secure Socket Layer (SSL), a technology secure protocol. SSL technology encodes information prior to this being exchanged between the user’s computer system and the CPA’s server, making it incomprehensible to unauthorized parties and thus guaranteeing communication security over the Internet. However, the use of SSL requires browser support capable of performing the “exchange” (handshake) of a 128-bit security key, the minimum level of encryption necessary to establish a secure connection with the CPA’s server. Within Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA), your personal data is dealt with by employees in charge of processing, by external collaborators or other internal and external bodies conducting technical and maintenance operations on behalf of CPA. (specifically: legal services, IT services, delivery, hotel and catering services). All data collected by those who fall under these categories (a detailed list of whom is readily available from the switchboard at Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA) on 0039 – (0)78 – 3800496) will be treated in accordance to their autonomous Privacy policies. Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA) does not disseminate*(1) your personal data.
Data subject’s rights
Subjects to whom the personal data collected in the above mentioned specific sections refers may at any time request confirmation that their data is being held, information about the content and the origin, verification of its accuracy or they may request it be updated, completed or corrected, in accordance with Art.7 of the Privacy Code. Equally, data subjects are entitled to request that the data be deleted or be anonymised as well as object, for legitimate reasons, to the data being processed. In accordance with the same article of the Code, any requests should be addressed to: Responsabile Pro-tempore Adempimenti Codice Privacy CPA Cooperativa Pescatori di Arborea Loc.Corru Mannu – 09092 Arborea (OR).
Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA) does not knowingly use its websites to collect data on persons under the age of 18.
Amendments to the Privacy Policy
Bearing in mind that the current state of perfecting the automatic control mechanisms does not render them free from error or malfunction, we would like to emphasise that the present document, while constituting the Privacy Policy of the website owned by Arborea Fishermen Cooperative (CPA), will be subject to amendments (nevertheless, previous versions of the same will be made available).
Note *
(1)by dissemination we mean the disclosure of information to unspecified third parties, in any shape or form, including making the information available for consultation (Art.4 of Data Protection Code)

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